
My name is Eddie Rowe, (candidate number 9147). I'm a media student at the Latymer School. I am working in group 2 with Mario Louka, (candidate number 9099),and Ignacio Flores (candidate number 9049). To view my work, use the 3 labels on the right named 'A2 Research and Planning', 'A2 Construction', and 'A2 Evaluation'.

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Monday, 23 February 2015

R+P Post 15:Our planned filming location and set design

We decided to shoot in the Seward Studio at school as it offered the best chances of achieving the stylistic dark feel we wanted to get with our shots. We knew that we could use the black curtains to our advantage in making the place feel detached and void, much like the atmosphere created in The Knife That Killed Me. The reasoning behind this was that the opening sequence is kind of like a flashback, so we felt we should have that empty feel, focusing on the people and events rather than the place.

In order to fully control the lighting within the studio, we had the blinds down and the main lights off. We had two spotlights on the ground which we varied the intensity of depending on the angle of the shot. We did this so that we could keep half the actors' faces in shadow in each shot, much like in some of the shots in Casino Royale. We also had a fill light from the ceiling, which we kept at a set intensity to keep the table illuminated, but not throw too much shadow over the actors' faces.

We had to meticulously plan where each actor in the location would be, and every camera position, so we could fit our lighting around that, I ended up making a studio plan:

The actual location looked like this before we set up, 

and like this once we had begun to lay out the lights and props.

 With the main lights out it began to look as good as we had originally hoped.

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