
My name is Eddie Rowe, (candidate number 9147). I'm a media student at the Latymer School. I am working in group 2 with Mario Louka, (candidate number 9099),and Ignacio Flores (candidate number 9049). To view my work, use the 3 labels on the right named 'A2 Research and Planning', 'A2 Construction', and 'A2 Evaluation'.

Group 2 Music Video

My Music Video


My Digipak

Group 2 Website

My Website

Monday, 23 February 2015

R+P Post 14: Our Production Schedule

Having completed the shoot board we decided to plan the dates for our shooting. We made certain to all commit to them, and also got the signatures of our teachers in order to make sure they were aware of our plans. Doing this kept the dates clear in advance so nothing would have to be worked around or cancelled, however as we were shooting in school it did take a while to get a clear day to shoot in the studio.

Test shoot date: Wednesday 11th February
Main shoot date: Thursday 26th February

Our production schedule
We decided to mainly edit during lesson time, however we each will have some free time we are able to edit in, and also can edit during our group meetings. We will make sure to have plenty of sessions where we edit as a group so we can make sure to agree on changes we make to the sequence.

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