
My name is Eddie Rowe, (candidate number 9147). I'm a media student at the Latymer School. I am working in group 2 with Mario Louka, (candidate number 9099),and Ignacio Flores (candidate number 9049). To view my work, use the 3 labels on the right named 'A2 Research and Planning', 'A2 Construction', and 'A2 Evaluation'.

Group 2 Music Video

My Music Video


My Digipak

Group 2 Website

My Website

Monday, 23 February 2015

R+P Post 11: Our Storyboard

To help us visualise the shots in our sequence, and easily replace and move them around, we decided to create a storyboard using a large piece of paper and post it notes to represent shots. We colour-coded them to show close ups, mid-shots, and long shots. We used yellow for CU shots, blue for MCU and pink for LS shots.

I came up with the idea to also put in little blue markers between shots to remind us our chosen transition style, and put banner notes under certain shots to indicate important music, sound effects, or dialogue. This was really useful in planning the progression shots as we were able to see where we broke conventions early on, and decide if there was any good reasoning behind doing so. For example here shot 8 is a CU and shot 9 is a LS, where really there should be a MCU in-between.

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