
My name is Eddie Rowe, (candidate number 9147). I'm a media student at the Latymer School. I am working in group 2 with Mario Louka, (candidate number 9099),and Ignacio Flores (candidate number 9049). To view my work, use the 3 labels on the right named 'A2 Research and Planning', 'A2 Construction', and 'A2 Evaluation'.

Group 2 Music Video

My Music Video


My Digipak

Group 2 Website

My Website

Monday, 21 December 2015

R+P Post 23: Planning my web pages

At first we considered creating hand-drawn flat plans for our web pages, however quickly realised that doing them digitally would be a better use of time. I suggested we used Microsoft PowerPoint for this as it is very easy to hastily add shapes, boxes, text, and images, and arrange however you could want.

We needed to create a website iconic of the genre, so of course we tried to follow the conventions of the other EDM big artists, such as Martin Garrix and Calvin Harris. We also knew we should follow the same colour/shape scheme throughout the website in order to keep synergy with the other media products, such as the digipak album cover.
Our "tour" page was inspired mainly by Martin Garrix's page
on his website, where fans can see dates/places, and buy tickets.
Calvin Harris' website uses the navigation-bar logo in the
top right, something we've decided to follow.

Front page
When the top right icon is clicked,
the nav bar is displayed.
 The screenshot on the left shows what the front page of the website would look like.

The clickable logos in the bottom right of the website would be across all pages, and would link to Orlando's spotify, instagram, twitter, and facebook respectively.

There is also a UK flag, which users could click in order to choose their language.

Tour dates
Image gallery
 We plan to have a tour page, so that fans can easily find out when and where the next concert is that Orlando is performing at. These would be clickable and link to a page where fans can buy tickets to these shows.

The gallery would show images of Orlando, allowing the audience to feel a part of his personal life.
These images will also be interspersed with Orlando's Instagram feed, which fans can follow.

"About" page with Orlando's bio.
Video gallery
 We have decided to include a bio page for Orlando. This is something that not all of the websites we've looked at include, however we feel that knowing an artists back story gives the audience a more intimate experience.

On the right the screenshot shows that we are planning to have a video gallery, this will act in a similar fashion to the image gallery, as a way for the audience to feel more involved with Orlando, and "in the know".

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