
My name is Eddie Rowe, (candidate number 9147). I'm a media student at the Latymer School. I am working in group 2 with Mario Louka, (candidate number 9099),and Ignacio Flores (candidate number 9049). To view my work, use the 3 labels on the right named 'A2 Research and Planning', 'A2 Construction', and 'A2 Evaluation'.

Group 2 Music Video

My Music Video


My Digipak

Group 2 Website

My Website

Monday, 21 December 2015

R+P Post 16: My Band or Artist

Our artist is called Orlando. This name we chose as we came up with a few singular names. We felt a singular name, (as opposed to a first name-surname kind of arrangement), would work best as we wanted something that would be easily recognizable and memorable. This is what a lot of artists have gone for, such as Skillex, Avicii, Hardwell, and Tiƫsto.

Mario was to act as our artist, Orlando.
We surveyed 14 people within our target audience in order to ascertain as to whether 'Orlando' was a good name, and the results showed that 12 people liked the name and 2 people did not.

10 of them felt the name would be memorable, however 1 did raise the point that some potential audience may think of Orlando as in Orlando Bloom. We felt however this probably wouldn't be an issue.

Tiesto performing energetically
Giving Orlando an upbeat, energetic personality seemed like the most appropriate personality to give him, as it is something seen regularly in other artists of the genre, especially at festivals. Furthermore we decided to give him a similar, simple style of clothing, (black t-shirt and trousers), and reflective black sunglasses to give him a kind of recognizable 'personal style'.

When we asked the people in our survey what they thought of our planned costume for Orlando, although the majority of responses were positive, several did suggest that more colourful clothing might suit the artist better.

I am going to be the DJ featuring in the
video, DJ Ed-E.

Although the actual track has several artists, we decided to just have two. We decided to have a DJ, who we've named DJ Ed-E, coincidentally played by me. Although we have a DJ featuring on the track, we decided he would not be the focal point to the music video nor the marketing.

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