
My name is Eddie Rowe, (candidate number 9147). I'm a media student at the Latymer School. I am working in group 2 with Mario Louka, (candidate number 9099),and Ignacio Flores (candidate number 9049). To view my work, use the 3 labels on the right named 'A2 Research and Planning', 'A2 Construction', and 'A2 Evaluation'.

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Sunday, 1 November 2015

R+P Post 13: Influences and inspiration from art, fashion, and culture.

Although the majority of influence and inspiration for our music video has come from the music industry, I've found a lot of other things contributing as well, films being a notable area.

The Knife That Killed Me

The style of the CGI in this film is something that I feel would be ideal for our music video, only we would probably be doing it in a more colourful, happy style, as opposed to TKTKM's drab and gloomy style of visual effects.
Furthermore, this seems appropriate as it covers a very similar target audience.

Alice in Wonderland

Tim Burton's films have always been well known for their dark, gritty, gothic style. Although those particular aspects are not things that I feel will particularly influence our music video, the style of the CGI in Alice in Wonderland is something that I feel we might aim towards.
One aspect in particular that I think our music video can replicate similarly is the variation in shot framing. There were a lot of cases where there would be close-ups with a very shallow depth of field, reducing what we the audience can see beyond the character. This lets us use our imaginations more for picturing the world around the character. However the CGI in the film is so impressive that this isn't really required. This meant that long shots could be interspersed whilst not breaking the image the audience had pictured.

An outfit from the
Nasty Gal festival lookbook.
Festival culture is arguably one of the strongest influences on our project as the track is one you'd expect to hear played at festivals. Interestingly, festivals have had a huge impact on fashion trends in recent years. For example, Coachella, (a festival that includes big EDM names such as Calvin Harris and Major Lazer), has massively influenced clothing lines in shops, particularly evident from the sponsership by H&M. It goes without saying that festival culture will therefore influence our choice in clothing for the characters in our music video.

Tomorrowland stage 2012

Art also plays into the culture, this is most easily represented at the stages for various festivals. For example, the Tomorrowland stages, although evolve over the years, always seem to follow a theme of bright, happy colours, something we can use in our music video.

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